LEDucation 2025
Mariia Krotkykh2025-03-03T18:12:18+00:00Can't wait to see you at LEDucation, New York City, March 18-19
Can't wait to see you at LEDucation, New York City, March 18-19
Can't wait to meet you at LEDucation, New York City, March 19-20
Book your LumenTruss product training now to get all the newest updates.
Book your LumenTruss product training now to get all the newest updates.
Happy holidays! Vote for the Gingerbread Man of the year in the LumenTruss Gingerbread Challenge!
Let’s take a moment, together, to praise the genius of our creators whose luminous works amaze us.
LumenTruss™ has just passed the 100,000 mark! This is an important milestone for our company.
The new 4250 is the latest addition to our thin profile series and has everything to stand out.
The new 8870 profile is designed to disappear into the structure so that the light source merges with the surface.